The Theatermachine was involved in the exhibition Close-up at the EYE filmmuseum in Amsterdam. In close collaboration with the artists we developed fitting lighting solutions for the various installations. Maarten Warmerdam and Isabel Nielen where involved in this project.
The group exhibition Close Up a new Generation, features numerous recent film and video works and spatial installations by a new generation of filmmakers and artists in the Netherlands, who are breaking down the barriers between film, video and visual art. The participating artists are: Melanie Bonajo, Felix Burger, Helen Dowling, Zachary Formwalt, Mariska de Groot, Hamza Halloubi, Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña, Amos Mulder, Florian & Michael Quistrebert, Janis Rafa, belit sağ, Joris Strijbos & Matthijs Munnik, Lichun Tseng and David Verbeek. More information can be found at the EYE filmmuseum website.
Photo: installation by Mariska de Groot CineChine 2012